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Autor Tema: Hypsolebias caeruleus  (Leído 5861 veces)


  • Exsocio
Hypsolebias caeruleus
« en: Noviembre 28, 2013, 16:01:25 pm »

Hola a todos,

Costa ha descrito una nueva especie: "Hypsolebias caeruleus, new species, is described from the semi-arid Caatinga savannah of north-eastern Brazil, middle São Francisco River basin. It is similar to H. adornatus and H. lopesi, differing from all other species of this group by having the dorsal-fin origin in a vertical anterior to the pelvic fin in males, flank blue in males, and two black spots, vertically aligned, immediately anterior to the caudal-fin base in females. The new species mainly differs from H. adornatus by the smaller anal-fin base in males, the consequent relative posterior position of the anal-fin origin and details of the colour pattern in males and females; and from H. lopesi by the pointed dorsal fin, relative posterior position of the anal-fin, relatively larger caudal fin, and distinct colour patterns. The discovery of H. caeruleus significantly amplifies the known distribution of the H. magnificus species group northwards".


Juan Pablo

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