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Autor Tema: KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition  (Leído 11659 veces)


  • Exsocio
KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« en: Julio 05, 2012, 18:37:22 pm »

Hello, Everybody!
I want to present the announces of our Killi Association of Bulgaria (KAB),
about its 4-th Killi Photo-competition this year(2012).
The participation is International, so I want to invite and encourage everyone of You, Dear Fellows,
to be a part of this event!
As you’ll see – I’m the “Head of the Jury”…So, don’t worry – I’ll not compete!
Even if you haven’t these days any enough pretty “Photo-models” to photograph,
Just go to some friends of yours(keeping Killies)
and a few good shots of any Killi specimen would be quite enough!
My big pleasure will be to see much of You All, participate there!
Knowing the Great Photography skill having much of You.
I hope that will be really attractive special Photo-competition!
Thanks everyone’s participation in advance! I appreciate it as well!

KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition

The Killi Association of Bulgaria,(KAB), announces its  Fourth Killifish Photo Competition.
We are very excited to present this competition in the field of digital images and hope to encourage international participation by giving enthusiasts the possibility to e-mail their submissions as file attachments.

1.   Photography classes:
-   Portrait - (There is the whole fish on the picture, also a macro close up…)
-   Action - (There are mostly 2-3 fishes in breeding or kombat process)

2.   Parameters for submitted digital files:
-   Files format - JPEG
-   Resolution - 1024x768 pix.
Images should follow these parameters approximately, allowing the vertical dimension to fall as per aspect ratio of the particular image. If images do not meet these size requirements, they will be resized by the personal of the Photography Judging Committee, in order to ensure image display during the judging process. Any names or signs on the files are forbidden!

3.   The competitor must be the author of the digital file, even if the subject of the photo is not his property.

4.   None of the photos must be published(printed) yet in some aqua-magazines/ bulletins. It doesn’t mean the all forum-sharing photos!

5.   Usage of programs such as Photoshop is allowed, but not in a manner that exaggerates the real characteristics of the fish.
      (Do not make an original yellow fin intensive orange or red!)

6.   File name in the e-mail:
File name should include entrant’s last name, first name, full name of the fish, and location (if known).

7.   Number of entries allowed:
There is a limit of 5 files, per class, per entrant.

8.   All files will be stored in the KAB archive. Substandard pictures will be deleted. The pictures entered in this competition could be used for articles in the KAB Killi Bulletin. The name of the author of the used file will be acknowledged. If foreign editors express interest in the photos, they will be given the e-mail address of the author to discuss terms of use.

9.   A checklist of submissions must occupy the body of the e-mail(s) accompanying the attached files, and may contain additional information about the fish and other pertaining information.

10.   Method of delivery:
Entries should be e-mailed as file attachment to:
     subject: KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition

11.   Timeline:
-Beginning of file entry - 1st of July 2012
-Dead line for file entry- 23rd of December 2012
-Announcement of the competition results- 15th of January 2013
12.   The results will be announced through:
-Killi Bulletin of KAB
-World killi web sites
-Aquarium Photograph web sites
-Friendly correspondences

13.   Awards:
There will be three awards in every class. The awards are not financial.
The purpose of the competition is to promote awareness for the Killi fish hobby.
The winners must send the original files to the Jury!

14.   All question concerning KAB 2012 Killi Photo Competition must be sent to:                   Hristo Hristov- Head of the Jury                 Todor Metchkov- Deputy Head of the Jury             Todor Hristov- Chairman of KAB
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  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #1 en: Enero 21, 2013, 19:22:43 pm »

The Results of KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition:

1-st Place Category “PORTRAIT” - Olivier Buisson
Chromaphyosemion loennbergii Songmendeng ABDEK 12-506

2-nd Place Category “PORTRAIT” – Guillaume Dethu
Chromaphyosemion sp. ADGP 11-11 F0

3-rd Place Category “PORTRAIT” – Guillaume Dethu
Spectrolebias sp. from Bolivia

1-st Place Category “ACTION” - Frans Vermeulen
Gnatholebias hoignei

2-nd Place Category “ACTION” - José Vidarte García
Aphyosemion ogoense pyrophore RPC 82 Komono

3-rd Place Category “ACTION” - Frans Vermeulen
Rachovia maculipinnis

The Special Award for the best submitted Photo from Bulgarian Participant – Nikola Ivanov
Fundulopanchax  fallax  fifinda yellow

Congrats to the Winners and many thanks to all the Participants supporting this event of our KAB!
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  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #2 en: Enero 21, 2013, 21:56:51 pm »

Mi enhorabuena para Jose Vidarte por su segundo premio en este concurso de tanto nivel. Sabía que una vez más nos representaba en beneficio y prestigio de la SEK y una vez más se ha llevado un premio. Me he alegrado muchísimo por ti  ;).

Un abrazo,

Juan Pablo
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  • Exsocio
Re: KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #3 en: Enero 22, 2013, 00:04:04 am »

Va a tener que comprar una casa mayor para meter tanto premio ^^


Tapatalkeado desde algún remoto lugar...

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Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #4 en: Enero 22, 2013, 09:50:03 am »

Gracias por colgar estas maravillosas fotos y enhorabuena a Jose vidarte por su magnifico premio.
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Coordinador de Envíos & Relaciones Internacionales
Antonio Pascual Fernández - SEK 2010/02


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Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #5 en: Enero 22, 2013, 16:56:44 pm »

Enhorabuena MAESTRO!!!!  ;D
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KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #6 en: Enero 22, 2013, 18:07:28 pm »

Jose, estás en la élite mundial... Enhorabuena
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Joaquín Hernández
SEK 2012/04


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Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #7 en: Enero 23, 2013, 00:06:32 am »

Enhorabuena , estás dejando el pabellón de la SEK muy alto por todo el mundo. Gracias por representarnos tan bien.
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José Ramón García Gil - SEK1996/46


  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #8 en: Enero 23, 2013, 09:46:55 am »

Me sumo a las felicitaciones, enhorabuena Vidarte.
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  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #9 en: Enero 23, 2013, 11:31:55 am »

Esta opinión sólo es la de un ignorante del mundo de la fotografía y por supuesto no pretendo poner en tela de juicio ni los premios ni la labor de los jueces, pero en la categoría en la que compite Jose, siendo grandes fotografías las tres, por profundidad y nitidez la suya me parece la mejor con creces  ::) ::).


Juan Pablo
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Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #10 en: Enero 23, 2013, 12:08:29 pm »

Yo estoy de acuerdo con Juan Pablo; a mi tambien me parece mejor.
Pero tambien soy bastante ignorante en esto.......... asi que tendre que fiarme de los jueces  ::)
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  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #11 en: Enero 23, 2013, 13:16:40 pm »

A todos lo que no entendemos nos puede parecer que votaron por las aletas más llamativas en lugar de la realización de la foto ;D

De todas formas, aún sin premio, sus fotos son impresionantes sin necesidad de estar premiadas.
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Re: KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #12 en: Enero 24, 2013, 00:21:00 am »

Estoy de acuerdo con JP a mi me gustó mas pero claro yo no entiendo mucho de fotografia sólo de lo q me gusta. Jejejej.pero siendo Español y de la cuenca......hay que hacer patria.... Jejejejeej Vidarte eres una maquina.

Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk 2
« Última modificación: Enero 24, 2013, 12:18:04 pm por Pa »
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jose vidarte

  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #13 en: Enero 25, 2013, 14:21:47 pm »

Muchas gracias a todos por las felicitaciones, para mi es un placer el poder representar a nuestra sociedad en este apartado.
Un saludo y gracias.
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  • Exsocio
Re:KAB 2012 International Killi Photo Competition
« Respuesta #14 en: Enero 25, 2013, 17:02:21 pm »

Además de un magnífico fotógrafo eres todo un caballero ;). ¡Chapeau!

Un abrazo,

Juan Pablo
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