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Autor Tema: Convención Bulgara KAB. fechas y programa-5-6 Septiembre 2015  (Leído 5851 veces)


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Toda la información en cuanto a fechas y proframa de la convención Bulgara la podeis ver en este enlace.. 5-6 Septiembre


7-th Convention of Killi Association of Bulgaria
Sofia, National Music school L. Pipkov
17 Oborishte Str.


Saturday, 5-th September
10.00 -  Fish reception
11.00 -  End of  Fish reception
11.05 -  Fish Judging
12.00 -  Opening of KAB Killi Exhibition
12.00 -  18.00- Visitors day
20.00 -  Dinner, vestivities with “KAB Killi Exhibition 2015“ prize- giving

Sunday, 6-th September
10.00 - 16.00 - Visitors day
16.00 - “KAB Killi Exhibition 2015” close down
16.30 -  Fish auction

Show groups:

1.   Big Aphyosemion ( Aphyosemion-Radaella,Callopanchax, Fundulopanchax)
2.   Small Aphyosemion ( Aphyosemion,Chromaphyosemion, Diapteron, Kathetys,
Mesoaphyosemion, Scriptaphyosemion)
3.   Aplocheilus, Aphyoplatys,Epiplatys, Pachypanchax
4.   Rivulus / Cynodonichthys   
5.   African annuals (Fundulosoma, Nothobranchius, Pronotobranchius)
6.   South American Annuals
7.   Other killies
8.   Breeding groups in all classes

For each group 3 awards will be given.
Note: All show fishes will be offered at the auction and all proceeds from the sales will directly benefit KAB.

General rules:

Fishes must be registered until September, 5-th with e-mail to:
Todor Hristov – e-mail
The fishes have to arrive before 11.00, Saturday, 5-th and must be shipped to:

Shipping addresses:
Todor Hristov
1B Journalist Sqr.,ap.8, fl.4
Lozenets Quarter 1164

Fishes send by rail or by air should arrive on Friday 4th September, at the latest.                                  You can bring your fishes with you to the convention until 11.00, September, 5-th. If  not previously registered the fish are accepted only if there is space. Any fish arriving later may be accepted but not judged.

Аuction start at 16.00 Bidding starts at 5 euros and increases by 1 euro up to 25, then by 3 euros thereafter. The starting price for breeding groups is 7 euros.

If you have any questions, please contact Todor Hrisotv at:
+359 0899 830 688



« Última modificación: Julio 06, 2015, 18:18:38 pm por IGNEUS »
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José Ramón García Gil - SEK1996/46