Sociedad Española de Killis, S.E.K.

SEK Publications

Getting Started Manual
Each new member receives a handy 175-page manual for information on keeping, breeding and specific exchange rules on the world of the killifish.
Manual Editor: , please contact via this form.
BISEK (Spanish Killifish Society Information Bulletin)
Approximately quarterly publication with articles and photos about Killifish. Members can download it from website.
BISEK Editor: Ignacio Jaramillo Villar, please contact via this form.
BIK (Killifish Information Bulletin)
Publication to share with you the various news specific to the SEK and the killifish world.
BIK Editor: , please contact via this form.
Spanish Killifish Society Website - SEK
Constantly updated electronic publication referred to our Association. News, image gallery, forum, and various tools and lists.
Webmasters: Juan Carlos Rubio Zarzuela, please contact via this form.
"Killifish" CD
Work in CD format (PC and Mac), compiled by Francisco Casado for the exclusive use and free distribution to members of the SEK: Articles, systematic, photos / videos ...
KILLI-DATA 2007. Jean H. Huber
Spanish edition. Does not contain illustrations, this is an updated list of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodontiformes Fish (ATHERINOMORPHA - PISCES). It is provided in wire-bound format, costs approximately 13 euros (all depend on the cost of photocopying and binding at the moment of order), check fist with responsible of library, to know the exact price.
Those interested in this work can place their order to the librarian Eduardo García Lastra , by letter or by the following form.
BISEC-BISEK, compilation CD
CD with every BISEC-BISEK from number 1 to 100 inclusive (January 1985-February 2006). The price is 10 Euros (exclusive for members of the SEK), the price includes shipping costs. You can acquire by sending the librarian, Eduardo García Lastra, this form.
"Killifish on images" CD
CD as its name suggests contains photographs and videos of killifish. also includes 11 bulletins published by the disappeared AEK (Spanish Killifish Association). The price is 6 Euros and you can order it to librarian, Eduardo García Lastra, by letter or by the following form.
Killifish-Cynopoecilini - Dalton Nielsen
English book, 128 pages at full color, with technical information on 19 species. The price is 16 Euros plus shipping and you can order it to librarian, Eduardo García Lastra, by letter or by the following form.

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(Sociedad Española de Killis - SEK

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